The American Heritage Dictionary defines fraud as "a deception deliberately practiced in order to secure unfair or unlawful gain."
The number of financial frauds perpetrated in the U.S. has hit an all-time high. The Internet has facilitated both the increase in the number of victims who can be reached by the perpetrators, as well as helping to conceal the true whereabouts of the criminals.
At Parrent Smith we have been dealing with financial fraud for decades, and have assisted countless companies, law firms and individuals in determining how the frauds were committed, who the perpetrators really were and assembling the facts into a comprehensible story so that the responsible parties can be held accountable, both financially and criminally.
Victims frauds want justice, but are they also especially concerned with being made financially whole again. At Parrent Smith, we have contacts all over the world who can assist us in locating assets of the perpetrators. Those assets can be seized or levied on to satisfy judgments that we help our clients secure against the malefactors. Whether it's a bank account at a local bank, real estate in another state, or bank accounts and real estate half way around the world, at Parrent Smith we know what has to be done and we do it.
Please also see the following case studies and articles involving fraud:
A Helpful Site for Victims of Fraud:
Information on Common Internet Cons and Scams:
Getting a Mortgage the Criminal Way:
This recent New York Times front page article describes some current mortgage scams.
Click here for the article.
More on Real Estate Fraud -
A good site for news on the latest real estate frauds: